Work with Sophie
1:1 Consultations
Sophie applies the same method that helps Olympic athletes achieve sporting success to ensure that all of her clients meet and surpass their own individual performance goals. Working together, you will devise a tailored package to achieve your specific objectives such as managing body composition, increasing productivity, boosting health and improving morale.
What to expect
Initial Consultation
During your initial 60 minute consultation Sophie will gain an in-depth understanding of your current lifestyle, health history, and goals. She will then devise a tailored action plan, along with any testing that may help further define your personalised nutrition strategy.
4-8 weeks later - Your second consultation will review any test results, as well as discuss progress towards your goals and next steps.
Final Consultation
4-8 weeks later - Your last consultation will evaluate your progress and put plans in place for long-term maintenance and success.
Corporate and Events
As well as working with clients individually Sophie also provides education to wider audiences, delivering talks and workshops at corporate events.
Whether it’s a nutrition talk in conjunction with another wellness practitioner, or a corporate talk for employee wellbeing, each of Sophie’s presentations is unique and tailored to the audience.